Category: Molecular Markers
atv - Draw and edit phylogenetic trees - Convert molecular marker data from csv format to Phylip format
dollop - Discrete data parsimony method of DOLLO
drawgram - Draw cladograms
drawtree - Draw radial trees
fitch - Distance trees - Fitch/ Margoliash
genographer - Score markers from gel images
kitsch - Distance trees - Fitch/ Margoliash (molecular clock)
Mapmaker - Create genetic maps using marker and phenotype data
MapmakerQTL - Create maps for QTL data
mbiolegato - bioLegato interface for discrete state data (eg. molecular markers)
mGDE - GDE interface for discrete state data (eg. molecular markers)
mix - Mixed method discrete character parsimony
neighbor - Distance trees - Neighbor-Joining/UPGMA
restdist - Compute distance matrices for discrete data
restml - Maximum likelihood phylogeny for discrete data
treedist - Calculate distance between trees
treetool - Phylogenetic tree editor